Wednesday, October 8, 2008

interactive music thingie

so while cat and i were searching around for libraries and existing apps for rootjam, we bumped into 'musinaut', who have been working on a new interactive audio format - mxp4.

i got on the beta for this music app that lets you create dynamic mixes. free use till dec 31:

winston and i were looking at the tool yesterday, we're going to try to do a couple of mixes in the format.


Unknown said...

Another one (Video and music Interactive) TronMe Interactive Player

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi there,

Happy to read that you're getting interested in MXP4 Technology.
Musinaut can provide help (training and online support) to all MXP4Creator users.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with us :

The Musinaut Team

Cat said...

Can't wait to hear what comes from musinaut...but do you HAVE to download it? Can't mix from the web? Okay, I'll get off my lazy butt and try it too but I'm not the techno head that you are so we'll see!

Anyone played with yet?

lx said...

wow, i didn't expect outside comments on these. thanks for the info! guess i've got several things to research now... :)

bunga said...

Thanks... I've downloaded the musinaut stuff and am in the process of looking into all the ins and outs of it. seems cool and is opening up my mind to a different angle of media file interactivity. Just to see the angle I was expecting with these... check this thing out:

Cat said...

Thanks Bunga for the info on's soooo cool! Very interested in finding out more...hmmmmmmm.

Got lots to research and play with.

lx said...

i'd not seen black mirror before! ...and yeah bunga - if i understand what you're pointing at, i think that one of the "problems" with existing interactive media stuff is that it looks and acts too much like a 'tool', not enough like a 'toy'. we work with 'tools', play with 'toys'.

...we play music, we don't work it.


Alexander Ekstrand said...

Right on for the thingie...
I've been "toying" with iklax (, which suits my needs better... yeah that is control & protection (as far as it can get i suppose), and flexibility which i did not find in mxp4. Still I'll keep my eyes open for new mxp4s & see what coming out

Cat said...

The black mirror thing definitely brings what we were talking about before lx and what you posted about playing not working at music or anything else media and web related for that matter. There are too many things out there that are just plain work! We don't need an other tool/toy that you have to spend so many hours on tutorials or take a class to play with it. Guess that's why I've procrastinated playing with the musinaut app. Seems like a lot of work to get through...but I'm not a techno head like you lx. ;-)

Have set some time this weekend for it though. As well as others mentioned thus far. What have you guys seen so far as you "play" with the applications mentioned in this blog?

lx said...

i probably shouldn't start going on too much about the _adaptive_ systems we've generally been speaking about.

there are whitepapers out there, i think i'm going to need to get a bit 'gearhead' for a bit.

this stuff has been around a LONG TIME. in teh 80s i was using software which worked similarly to musinaut - it was called SuperJam! and the ideas in it eventually got rolled up into something called Microsoft DirectMusic Producer. great ideas, but very limited appeal for a variety of reasons.

it's my opinion that what was 'needed' has finally happened - our use of the Web is far more sophisticated than it was 5 years ago, and i think that if there's a problem, it's that bellwethers tend to be a decade or so ahead of the pack - you have to deploy the ideas, then let them resonate for a while before they catch on.