Thursday, October 9, 2008


this just got sent to me by kurt harland, it's kinda interesting and a bit different from the other things i've been looking at of late.

bubbleply is a sort of video 'recontextualizer' which yields online videos similar to that old VH1 'pop ups' show.

you point it at a video on youtube, use a grid and timeline to install text windows, aka 'bubbles' in sync with the video, and can then embed the resulting hybrid in another webpage, blog or whatever.

you can impose hyperlinks on the text in the bubbles, btw, which raises some pretty interesting possibilities - for example, i have to wonder about the possibility of creating a 'wumpus' type dungeon game, using carefully crafted youtube videos with directionals supplied by the hyperlinks...

...yeah, i know. this isn't an 'interactive music maker', but i do think it's a new sort of collaborative online experience. so there. ;)


lx said...

hah, now i feel compelled to comment on my own comment - youtube's rolling out a similar feature:

Cat said...

The interactivity and creativity coming out never ceases to amaze me. I love it! Like MTV's pop up videos which i sooooo loved.

So it's not an interactive music maker but the lines are blurring between all media now. It almost can't be just one style of media anymore. It's exciting.

lx said...

not sure why this 'idea's got such pull on me. it's not at all central to what i'm working on right now. i did a quick test with one bubble:

...and immediately wished the editor did more.

this stuff warrants a discussion of its own.

Cat said...

Great concept...something's up with the site as I couldn't watch your video then tried one of my own and had some issues...will try again later.

But I can see already the limitations and wished I could do more as well. Still, it's steps towards the whole interactive thingie we are talking about.